EcoCitrocin™ spray is an insect repellent based on the World Health Organisation approved ingredient Picaridin and natural essential oils. Reduces the airborne allergen load, in particular pollen and pet, by at least 65% and up to 85% when used with PetalCleanse™ Dog and PetalCleanse® Cat. During the winter months, a weekly spray is adequate to reduce pet allergens to a tolerable level but the spray should be used once a day during the pollen season.
HomeCleanse™ spray for mattresses and soft furnishings gets rid of dustmites and bed bugs, an all too common feature of hotels and holiday lets. For dustmite allergy suffers. a once -per-month treatment is sufficient to ease the problem. For those with pets, a once per week treatment is recommended, along with PetalCleanse™ Dog and PetalCleanse® Cat
AirCleanse™ gets rid of pollen, dustmite and mould from the air so that you will not suffer from sneezing, wheezing, asthma, eczema or hives when you are away from home.
- Certification:
- Allergy UK Allergy Friendly Product
- Product of UK


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